Monthly Archives: July 2022

88. How To Lead Through Colossal Failure

If you haven’t failed at anything, you haven’t been trying to accomplish enough.  Many of us can’t just stop leading because something has gone wrong.  The big thing is recognizing when you’re failing.  It’s not always noticeable when you’re failing and sometimes it’s painfully obvious.  To really get your leadership chops if you will, you have to know how to lead through colossal failures to know what to do to lead through it.  On this week’s episode on the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, hear about some big disasters, how they should have seen it coming, on how to lead through it.

87. Leading With A Higher Focus

To really lead at a high level, you can’t get lost in the day-to-day grind.  There has to be a level of thinking above the normal, above just getting through the day.  Thinking long term and beyond where you are today is what will really change your focus.  It will make you lead at a higher level.  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, learn to Lead with a higher focus so you can be the leader you’ve always wanted to be.