Monthly Archives: September 2023

124. Solving 2024 Leadership Challenges

Yes, I know, it’s still 2023.  Right now, would be a great time to take a time out and start focusing on leadership challenges.  You know leadership has been changing for the last several years and now more than ever, you need great “human” skills.  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we dive into those challenges, share real statistics, and provide you with a great resource to be ready in 2024!!

Article Information:,turnover%20rates%20within%20their%20teams.

Where you can get the skills you need:

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123. Yes, You Do Have An Hour Per Day……Stop Making Excuses

You want to achieve something new but there’s just no time or resources.  Life has dictated what you’ll do when you’ll do it.  That’s not entirely true.  You do have one hour a day that you can devote to whatever you want.  The question is, will you?  I’m not a motivational speaker.  Only you can motivate yourself.  What I do bring to you in this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, is the 4-step framework to achieving something new.

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122. Celebrating Labor Replay

A brief history of labor that hopefully will leave you with the understanding that despite what is on the 24-hour news cycle, we are living in the best of times….if you choose to think that way.  So check out this episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast.


Have a great day 🙂

121. Yes, Meetings Can Be Productive….Here’s How!

Ok, we all know it.  Most meetings are time wasters.  You don’t learn anything knew.  It could have been an email.  However, meetings can be a super valuable tool, if you use them the right way!  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we promise not to waste your time about meetings :).  Learn how to make them effective and maybe even share this with your leadership to help them help you.

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