Monthly Archives: November 2023

131. Most Downloaded Replay-Culture Eats Execution

We’ve all heard the expression, short term gain-long term pain.  That’s what happens when teams are managed through fear like, hit these numbers or else.  It’s also an incredibly lazy way to lead people. In fact, I wouldn’t consider you a leader if this is what you do.  On this week’s episode on the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, I’ll explain that your Culture level will determine your level of Execution.  Don’t think that wow, I don’t have the time or energy to create a strong Culture.  The reality is, creating the right Culture is actually more about a change in mindset before actually doing anything.

Sure, you can have some execution based on force or tough love or the old do it or I’ll find someone who will.  You will win in the short term, but you won’t build anything.  You won’t build a team or create opportunities you didn’t even know you had. The fact that you’re listening to a podcast says you are not that kind of leader.  Take a short 24-minute journey into how you can drive Execution with a very strong Culture.

130. Is It Always The Manager’s Fault???

The short answer is yes.  But…….managers are people too.  Most managers do want to help others and do a good job.  In this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, I’ll discuss the 5 biggest frustrations with managers and more importantly, how you can implement small changes this week to really grow your leadership and your team.

Check out this article about 4 Things Managers Wish They Knew before starting their role.

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