Monthly Archives: March 2024

142. Career Feeling Stuck? Try this!!!!

As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the septic tank.  You get frustrated in your career and other places seem so much better.  The fact is all jobs will have things you won’t like.  You need to look a little deeper into you.  Just changing your mindset changes how you perform, regardless of your job role.  When you can get to the right type of work for you and the right mindset?????  Well….jackpot!  One this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, learn how to break through the career frustration wall.

141. What Does Your Leadership Eulogy Say?

It might be morbid way to think about it, but you are living your eulogy in life, at home and at work.  If you’re leading anyone, then your eulogy will say how you led them.  Did you just get stuff done?  Did you make them effective at their own role?  Or, did you go beyond having followers and actually created Legacy Leaders?  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, I’ll show you why it’s vital to create other leaders and how that makes you the best version of yourself as a leader that you can be.

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