Category Archives: Uncategorized

108. Feeling Like You’re Not Enough????

One of the most debilitating feelings you can have is feeling like you’re never enough.  That mindset changes everything you do.  You feel like you’re the only person that feels that way. Interestingly enough, you’re actually in the majority of how people view themselves.  On this episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we’ll show you what’s really behind that feeling and that YOU can understand it, change it and own it!


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107. Leading With Empathy You Must!!!!

Leadership isn’t like it was 15 or 20 years ago.  Soft skills are the hard skills and there isn’t a more powerful soft skill like empathy.  Even though most don’t always use this skill, it has always worked.  Think of the books created by Dale Carnegie.  They are over 100 years old.  It’s about the principal of connecting and understanding others.  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we take on the challenges of leading with empathy.  We all know it’s the best way to connect and grow your team, so what’s holding us back?  Let’s dive in to building a better team.