Category Archives: Uncategorized

144. How to overcome setbacks…immediately!!!

Sounds strange but moving on is the same for winning and losing.  Yes, I know, it’s much more glorious to win but you can’t stay there.  You can’t be that person that peaked in high school or did an amazing thing, but yet never expand from that.  Losing also DOES NOT DEFINE you.  It was a moment in time.  That’s it.  On this week’s episode on the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we’ll show you that you should always move on to what’s next.  It’s as simple as 2, two word questions.  Answer those, and you’re on your way!

143. How Is Your Team’s Mental Health? Here’s how to improve it!!!!!

When you become a Leader, there is one distinct difference that you’ll notice about your energy.  Being physically tired is easier to deal with compared to being mentally tired.  Everything about your leadership will revolve around your ability to stay mentally strong.  The problem is, every challenge will be competing for your mental capacity.  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, learn how you can maintain good mental health so you can perform at the mental level that propels your team forward.