133. Let’s Go On A Mission…YOU!!!!

Last week, I told to you create a Vision statement for yourself.  Get creative and just write.  What would you like to be and have others see in you?  If you missed it, go back to episode 132 and get busy.  This week on the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, it’s time to go on a Mission.  I’ll show you how to take key phrases from your Vision Statement and create a Mission of who you will be and what your principles are.  Don’t create a “New Year’s Resolution” that won’t be around after January 5th.  Invest in yourself.  The best way to predict your future is to create it.

132. Create The Best Version Of You…Part 1

Alright……it’s almost the end of the year.  It’s a typical time for people to start thinking about goals for next year.  Don’t waste your time on a “resolution” that fail 9 out of 10 times.  YOU need to invest in yourself.  I’m not even talking about a financial investment.  I’m talking about really creating your roadmap for yourself.  You need 3 things: A Vision, A Mission and A Strategy.  On this week’s episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we talk about Step 1: Creating a Vision.  This is the first of a 3-part series to get you ready to go to create the best version of YOU!