152. 4 Ways to Build Team Culture Right Now!

Sounds time consuming to build the team Culture when there is “real work” to be done.  But….what if you don’t?  You know as a leader that building your team Culture is the way to maximize performance and grow people so how do you fit it all in?  On this episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we give you 4 ways to build your team Culture right now!  You’ll be glad you did!!!!

151. Failure Isn’t Final…..If You Know How To Operate!

If you haven’t failed at anything, you haven’t been trying to accomplish enough.  Many of us can’t just stop leading because something has gone wrong.  The big thing is recognizing when you’re failing.  It’s not always noticeable when you’re failing and sometimes it’s painfully obvious.  To really get your leadership chops if you will, you have to know how to lead through colossal failures to know what to do to lead through it.  On this week’s episode on the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, hear about some big disasters, how they should have seen it coming, on how to lead through it.